What is the General Convention?

A General Convention, as an event of the Spirit, always involves three actions: illumination, discernment and action. Seeing, judging and acting. It is about listening to one another and to the Holy Spirit. It is about being synod, about walking all together; each one according to his vocation.
It is a Eucharistic, communitarian event, of union of each and everyone in the Body of Christ. It is about praying together, united in one faith and one mission. Finally, it is about receiving a Word from God about the needs of the Church and the world, with the intention of doing the will of the Father at this moment in history and from our charism.
What are the expected outcomes of a General Convention?
As an event of the Spirit, synodal and Eucharistic, prayerful, the convention should illuminate our Christian lives as apostles, as well as conclude with concrete decisions on the life and mission of Regnum Christi. It is a strong moment in the life of the Kingdom; it is about letting the Spirit blow on our embers and fan the fire of love, light and joy of the Gospel in us.
The members of Regnum Christi, impelled by the personal experience of Christ’s love, feel the inner urgency to make his Kingdom present, giving witness to what we have lived and experienced, and thus seeking to respond to the needs of the world and the Church.

What are the phases of this process?
The preparation for the General Convention is being carried out in three phases that shift the emphasis from the local to the territorial and, finally, to the general level. The local phase, the pillar of the life and mission of Regnum Christi, will begin in September 2022 and last until July 2023. The territorial phase, as a meeting between localities and a forum to address issues common to all of them, will take place in the second half of 2023 and will conclude with the celebration of the Territorial Conventions. The general phase, as a meeting to recognize and promote the presence of Christ throughout the world, will culminate in the General Convention, which will begin on April 29, 2024 and is expected to last six days.
The members of Regnum Christi, impelled by the personal experience of Christ’s love, feel the inner urgency to make his Kingdom present, giving witness to what we have lived and experienced, and thus seeking to respond to the needs of the world and of the Church.