Guide for Reflection on the Identity of the Lay Members of Regnum Christi
As part of the journey of discernment leading up to the 2024 General Convention, the lay members of Regnum Christi feel called to reflect more deeply on our identity and mission and on our vocation in Regnum Christi. We want to understand what our role is, not only in the Church but, in a particular way, in our spirituaal family in the light of the Gospel, ecclesial documents and our charism.
This is why, just as we are participating with the other vocations of Regnum Christi in an apostolic discernment of reality, we also want to take a moment and listen to the Holy Spirit in order to understand what specifically he calls us to as laity in the world and in Regnum Christi.
This guide seeks to be a tool to help with this reflection.
It is recommended that this activity be carried out by teams of lay members, whether encounter teams within a section, or apostolate teams. Although this activity does not follow an Encounter with Christ methodology, it can replace one of the Encounters with Christ foreseen in the teams’ regular activities.
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- Territory of Brasil
- Territory of Chile-Argentina
- Territory of Colombia-Venezuela (Ecuador, Panama y Peru)
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England (UK)
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- Rome Delegation:
Formation Centers and houses of government for consecrated vocations in Rome
Holy Land - International Teams