Regnum Christi General Convention


Road to the 2024 General Convention

The documents you and your team need to live the road to the General Convention.

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all 8 topics

Download the Guide for Reflection on the Identity of the Lay Members of Regnum Christi

Letters for the local phase

Through this communication we wish to share with you some aspects of the road ahead of us… to ensure the synodal spirit with which we wish to travel it and to let you know what will be the preparation for it.

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We thought it appropriate to set up a committee to closely follow this process, starting from the structure and members of the General Board of Directors and the work teams, supported by an executive secretariat.

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What objectives and fruits are sought in this journey of preparation for the Convention? We hope that it will be part of the broader journey of renewal and promotion of the life and mission of Regnum Christi that we have been making in recent years.
We do not simply want to promote an intellectual analysis, but to foster a dynamic of discernment in our own localities. Therefore, the proposed emphasis is to look at the needs of the world and the Church, from the heart of the apostle of the Kingdom.

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With this letter we would like to briefly present what the General Convention is and what are its objectives, challenges and expected fruits; announce the three phases of its development; briefly explain the first phase, which is now beginning; and exhort each and every one of you to pray, participate and contribute your experience and vision of Regnum Christi throughout the process..

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Parables of the Kingdom as criteria for discernment (Spanish Version)

Local Phase

September 2022 – June 2023

Territorial Conventions

July 2023 – March 2024

I General Convention

 April 29th – May 4th

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