Regnum Christi General Convention

Discussion Guide 6: Vocational culture and ministry

In recent decades, the Church has made important progress in understanding more fully and deeply the mystery of vocation. This has necessarily had an impact on the way in which we understand and live vocational ministry. 

Two concepts are especially significant on this path and have been the point of departure for the reflection that continues today:

  • The understanding of the Church as the pilgrim people of God and as the community of the baptized in which each individual has received a gratuitious call of God’s love and has been sent as a response to the evangelizing needs of the world today.  
  • The universal call to holiness, and, consequently, the appreciation for the vocation of the laity. The Church is therefore understood as a body with different members (see 1 Cor 12:12), with different gifts which must be given a place, since everyone contributes to the holiness of the members and of the body as a whole.

These two concepts enlightened and expanded the notion that was held of the religious life as the “state of perfection” and as the path in which the Christian life was full realized.

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