Discussion Guide 2: Christian formation and the education of children
The witness of Christian life given by parents in the family comes to children with tenderness and parental respect. Children thus perceive and joyously live the closeness of God and of Jesus made manifest by their parents in such a way that this first Christian experience frequently leaves decisive traces which last throughout life.
This childhood religious awakening which takes place in the family is irreplaceable (Cfr. General Directory for Catechesis, n. 226, 2020).
The child perceives, absorbs, explores, examines, becomes self-aware through experiences. They have a great capacity for wonder, for openness to mystery, for grasping supernatural realities in their interior (the presence of their Guardian Angel, of the Blessed Virgin…). They live the joy of encountering God with simple and spontaneous acts and signs in front of beautiful images which reflect the tenderness of the Blessed Virgin, of St. Joseph, and of the Child Jesus.
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