«As the Father has sent me,
I send you». – John 20,21
Meet the delegates of the 2024 Regnum Christi General Convention
By official letter, the general directors of the federated institutions:

Fr. John Connor, LC

Nancy Nohrden

Félix Gómez Rueda
By office, Vicar General and another General Councilor of the Legionaries of Christ,
Consecrated Women and Lay Consecrated Men:

Bernardo Pérez

Cristian Nazer

Elena Bartolomé

Fr. Hernán Jiménez, LC

Fr. Rafael Ducci, LC

Viviana Limón
By office, lay associates attending the General Plenary:

Álvaro Abellán

Carmen Fernández

David Zárate

Francisco Gámez

José Antonio Lebrija

Kerrie Rivard
By official letter, secretary general of the Federation:
Gina Chávez

By office, territorial directors of the Legionaries of Christ and Consecrated Women:

Fr. Alberto Simán, LC
(Mexico and Central America)

Fr. André Delvaux, LC

Beatriz Rivera

Bernardita García

Fr. Carlos Gutiérrez, LC
(North Mexico)

Fr. Carlos Ortíz, LC

Fr. Francisco Javier Cereceda, LC

Fr. Gabriel Bárcena, LC

Gabriela Garza

Kate O’Connor

Kathleen Murphy
(North America)

Lorenza Sanromán
(Mexico and Central America)

Mariana Ibáñez

Mónica Aguirre
(North Mexico)

Fr. Savio Zanetta, LC

Fr. Shawn Aaron, LC
(North America)

Fr. Valentin Gögele, LC
(Western and Central Europe)
By election, delegates from the Legionaries of Christ, the Consecrated Women, Lay Consecrated Men and the lay people:

Fr. Adolfo Güémez, LC
(North Mexico)

Alejandro Álvarez López
(North Mexico)

Álvaro Carranque

Amelie Marie Laurence Perroy

Ana María Bravo de Simán
(Mexico and Central America)

Ana Paul O’Neill García
(Mexico and Central America)

Andrea Heck
(Western and Central Europe)

Fr. Andreas Schöggl, LC
(Rome Delegation)

Andrés Jiménez
(Mexico and Central America)

Andrés Villaseñor Urrea
(North Mexico)

Andrew Rawicki
(North America)

Anthony Frese
(North America)

Atala Barba Alba
(North Mexico)

Fr. Bruce Wren, LC
(North America)

Carmen Ramírez Gómez
(North Mexico)

Cathie Zentner
(North America)

Cecilia Ruiloba Castelazo

Fr. César Pérez, LC

Fr. Cleomar Ferronato, LC

Cristina Regueira

Daniela Boesch Santos
(North Mexico)

Fr. David Daly LC
(Rome Delegation)

Donna Garrett
(North America)

Fr. Eduardo Robles-Gil, LC
(Mexico and Central America)

Elena Olazábal Magdalena

Emilio Allande Berrueta
(North Mexico)

Emilio Martínez
(Lay Consecrated Men)

Enrique Pérez Ocejo
(Mexico and Central America)

Esther García Zaldívar

Eva Ma. Leal García

Fr. Evaristo Sada, LC
(Mexico and Central America)

Fr. Florencio Sánchez, LC

Fr. Francisco Javier Caballero, LC

Fr. Gabriel Abascal, LC
(North Mexico)

Fr. Gabriel Ramón Sotres, LC
(Rome Delegation)

Fr. George Elsbett, LC
(Western and Central Europe)

Grzegorz Cempla
(Western and Central Europe)

Guillermo Narro
(Mexico and Central America)

Helen Rose Yalbir
(North America)

Horacio Gómez
(North America)

Fr. Ignacio Sarre, LC
(Rome Delegation)

Irene Alemany Herrera

Jerusa Slomp

Fr. Jesús Osvaldo Verdín Pérez, LC

Fr. John Bartunek, LC
(North America)

Fr. José María Martínez, LC
(Mexico and Central America)

Juan Andrés Lam
(Mexico and Central America)

Fr. Juan Carlos Quintero, LC

Fr. Juan Pablo Durán, LC
(North America)

Fr. Julio Muñoz, LC
(North Mexico)

Fr. Lino Otero, LC
(North America)

Lucas Sweet Hederra

Fr. Luis Garza, LC
(Mexico and Central America)

Fr. Manuel Salord, LC

Margarita López Romo
(North Mexico)

María del Carmen Ávila
(Headquarters and delegation of the CWRC GD )

Maria Fioretta Bini Smaghi

Maria Jean Knuth
(North America)

Fr. Miguel Cavallé, LC

Fr. Miguel Viso, LC
(North Mexico)

Monica Etchebarne

Fr. Pablo Solís, LC
(Mexico and Central America)

Paloma Domínguez Carrasco

Patricia Delfín
(Mexico and Central America)

Pedro Kropf

Perla González de la Fuente
(Mexico and Central America)

Rafael Sáenz de Santa María Pombo

Fr. Riccardo Garzari, LC

Fr. Sylvester Heereman, LC
(Western and Central Europe)

Teresa Alarcón
(Mexico and Central America)

Teresa Vázquez Rivera
(Mexico and Central America)

Zacarías Dieck Vega
(North Mexico)
General Councilors of the Legionaries of Christ, the Consecrated Women and the Lay Consecrated Men who participate with voice but without vote:

África Pemán

Eugenia Álvarez

Fernando Rincón

Fr. Gerardo Flores, LC

Guillermo Campillo

Jacinta Curran

Javier Bendek

Fr. Jesús Villagrasa, LC

Fr. Michael Brisson, LC

Fr. Pedro Barrajón, LC

Alejandro Lara
Consecrated layman

Daniel Bizzo
Consecrated layman with temporary vows

Elena Bustillos
President of the General Assembly of the Network of Regnum Christi Schools.

José Mata
President of the General Assembly of the International Network of Regnum Christi Universities.

Pablo Aledo
General Director of the Altius Foundation.
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– EFRC 20.
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July 2023 – March 2024
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